
You’ve got talent! Wait… What? Let’s talk about the SOFT SKILLS in Freediving

You’ve got talent! Wait… What?  Let’s talk about the SOFT SKILLS in Freediving

When people tell me that I have a natural talent in freediving, I tend to nod in silence, but really, deep down I don’t agree, and I feel my past experiences and hard work are somewhat diminished by the word “talent”.

Whilst my ego agrees it’s nice to feel you have somehow been infused with godliness at birth, on the contrary I feel very human and my ‘talent’ is only a consequence of my hard work (hard skills) and past experiences (soft skills).

You've got talent! Or better, let's talk about the Hard Skills in Freediving

You've got talent! Or better, let's talk about the Hard Skills in Freediving

Recently I have given a beautiful workshop in my hometown, Genova.

Most of the theoretical part of the workshop was concentrated around the concept that there is no such thing as talent in freediving, nor in any other thing if that matters. My work as a coach has been that to give a name to all things and skills that can be quantifiable in freediving.